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Tag: vinyl flooring

Hardwood Flooring

How to Deep Clean Your Flooring for Holiday Guests

Deep cleaning floors before the holidays may sound like one more thing to add to the busiest time of the year. However, with the right tools and tips, you can tackle your floor cleaning without taking too much time away from holiday planning. No matter what type of flooring you have, you will be able to get it ready in time for holiday parties and family visits by following these steps.

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What Kind of Aesthetic Does Rubber Flooring Create?

Residential rubber flooring may not be top of mind for you when you think of new flooring in your home. However, it can be quite versatile and even appropriate for some homes. After installation, you may wonder what aesthetic this new look will create in your home.

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Commercial Flooring

Dance Floors In Entertainment Venues: Which Surfaces Are Best?

It is interesting that for all the talk about dance floors, there’s not really a lot of talk about what dance floors are actually made from. Maybe it’s because flooring materials are never far from the minds of the professionals here at Ozburn-Hessey, but we’re going to change the lack of discussion on the subject. …

Dance Floors In Entertainment Venues: Which Surfaces Are Best? Read More »

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