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How Long Does Wood Flooring Take to Install?

Hardwood floors are many people’s ideal flooring solution. Classic and modern at the same time, hardwood floors call back to a time when they were the standard, and also work aesthetically with many modern palettes and design schemes. But classic or not, you have a household to maintain, so how long does hardwood flooring take to install?

The Basics of Hardwood Flooring Installation

Before we answer the question, it’s important to note two things. 

One: each home is different, so the time wood floor installation takes can vary wildly depending on square footage, the condition of subflooring, and even external factors like humidity. 

Two: proper installation takes time, and if you’re working with a company like Ozburn-Hessey, we’re going to take the time to make sure we get the installation right the first time. This ensures the longevity of your home’s flooring and its selling power if you do decide to ever move. Hardwood floors are not easy to install, but many claim to be capable. When working with hardwood, there are conditions that factor in that don’t with other types of flooring. 

Your Options for Wood Flooring

When it comes to installing wood floors, you have a variety of options for types of flooring. These also impact the time it takes to install wood floors. For instance, did you know that there was such a thing as engineered hardwood flooring? These boards are often much like vinyl flooring in that they are a click-and-lock installation. Each board joins together with the next, and they are best installed on cement, tile, or heated floors. Expect click-and-lock engineered hardwood flooring installation to be on the shorter end of our estimate, as these are simpler than using nails or adhesives. On the other hand, if you’re installing and finishing hardwood, expect things to take longer. Many engineered hardwood floors are prefinished, but that’s not the case with the more traditional flooring options. 

How long does hardwood flooring take to install and finish? That depends, but consider this: it takes a two-person team roughly a full day to install between 750 and 1000 square feet of hardwood flooring. Jobs average 1500 square feet, but different homes call for less or much more. When you’re also finishing a newly installed hardwood floor, the time it takes to sand and stain the floors isn’t insignificant. This is an important step because it helps to level the floors and give them the color you’re looking for. 

How Long Does Wood Flooring Take to Install?

So how long does it take to install wood floors? With all the factors mentioned above considered, the answer is usually an average of 1-3 days. This can be longer depending on the size of the job and the type of flooring being used. Expect more time for traditional hardwood with the need for finishing after wood flooring installation. Don’t expect a short visit when having hardwood floors installed. We understand that this is a disruption to your home, but keep in mind that it’s well worth it. Hardwood flooring is visually stunning, and with some simple maintenance best practices in mind, it can last a lifetime. 

Ready to get the ball rolling on your wood flooring installation in the Nashville area? Don’t hesitate to give us a call at Ozburn-Hessey for your free consultation and estimate. We’d be happy to work with you and can provide a timeline for your specific installation to answer all your questions.

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