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Is Linoleum Flooring the Right Option For Your Home or Office Renovation?

When you decide it is time for a new floor in your home or office, making sure you choose the correct material can make all the difference in the world. Most people spend their time looking at the floor, and different materials can change the perception of a room. In each flooring option, there are different styles and colors, too.

What to Know About Linoleum Flooring

Why You Should Choose Linoleum Flooring

Linoleum flooring has taken a bit of a beating during the last couple of decades. Many people think tacky and cheap when they think of linoleum flooring. These are the people who would pick anything over linoleum flooring, even vinyl flooring. But these folks are missing out on one of the best flooring materials available– a solid flooring option that is ideal for just about any type of office or home, especially in Nashville. Linoleum flooring is a top choice when it comes to dealing with moisture and humidity, two of the biggest killers of flooring. Moisture works its way into the very being of the material, causing unique problems with dire consequences. Beyond that, however, linoleum flooring is comfortable to walk on, since it’s considered soft flooring. It is pretty durable, if properly taken care of, and most importantly, it is one of the most affordable options on the market.

Why You Shouldn’t Choose Linoleum Flooring

Although it is durable, linoleum is prone to scratching. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to install on the floor of a warehouse, for example. Since it is soft flooring, you wouldn’t want it in a room with a lot of heavy machinery or vehicles moving across it. And while it can be styled to look like anything, including hardwood flooring, it won’t replace the real thing. Linoleum flooring also tends to fade if placed in direct sunlight. All flooring materials fade to some extent, but linoleum flooring takes on a dull, yellowish hue that can be unpleasant to look at if left unattended for too long. Another big reason that linoleum flooring might not be an option for you is that it cannot be resurfaced like hardwood flooring can. If the quality of the flooring is something you need to be consistent for a long time, you might need to look elsewhere.

Is Linoleum Flooring the Right Option?

Before you pull the trigger on linoleum flooring, ask yourself what the purpose of the room is. Is going to be a meeting room with large windows, a place to bring clients and impress them? Linoleum flooring might not be the best option. But if you’re planning on installing it in the kitchen at home, matching it with the hardwood floor in the rest of the house and not worrying about moisture, then yeah, linoleum is a great fit.

At the end of the day, linoleum flooring is a durable, cost-effective flooring option that can go in almost any building. It’s up to you to decide where. And if you decide linoleum flooring isn’t the answer, then the professionals here at Ozburn-Hessey will help you decide what is, and help with any other questions you might have.

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