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Hardwood Home Flooring: Is Solid or Engineered Hardwood the Best?

Hardwood flooring is one of the best flooring materials on the market. After all, we humans have been using it as a building material for almost as long as we have have been building things. And while pretty much everyone knows that the different species of trees will produce different qualities of flooring, nowadays you will also find engineered hardwood flooring available as an option.

What exactly is this stuff, and is there a chance that it is better than old fashioned hardwood flooring? Let’s find out.

What to Know About Solid and Engineered Hardwood

What is Engineered Hardwood Flooring, Exactly?

In the simplest terms, engineered hardwood flooring is the perfect compromise between traditional hardwood flooring and something like laminate or vinyl plank flooring. This is because engineered hardwood flooring is a thin layer of real wood bonded to several layers of plywood. It has the toughness and strength of traditional hardwood thanks to that top layer, but the price is lower thanks to the plywood.

Sadly, the material cannot withstand moisture the way that traditional hardwood flooring can. This is not to say that you shouldn’t install it in your kitchen. You just need to be a little more proactive with cleaning it and mopping up spills. Plus, in a place like Nashville, with all of the extra moisture in the air, do not be surprised if your engineered flooring warps during the summer and the winter.

So Engineered Hardwood is Bad?

No, not at all. In fact, considering its price point, engineered hardwood flooring is one of the better flooring options available if you’re looking to save a little money or stretch the budget. It is still hardwood flooring, after all. If properly taken care of, the floor will outlast most other floors. It can even be resurfaced to prolong its life, although not as many times as regular hardwood.

While it usually comes pre-surfaced, there are special stains you can use to change the coloring of the material as well, if you get tired of it. In addition to its relatively cheap price point and durability, engineered hardwood flooring can also be referred to as regular hardwood flooring for resale purposes.

Which Material is the Right One to Use in Your Home?

So, which one is the right one for you? The answer is entirely dependant on how much you want to spend. If you really want hardwood flooring but cannot justify spending the extra money, then engineered flooring is the way to go. It has the look and feel of hardwood flooring, along with most of the benefit, for less money. It’s also a good idea if you are not planning on staying in the home for an extended amount of time, since you’ll probably move before you need to replace the flooring.

On the other hand, spending a little more money upfront will save you much more down the line because once you have traditional hardwood floors installed, you’re basically set for life.

Engineered hardwood flooring is like the beta version of traditional hardwood flooring. It’s almost as good in pretty much every way, but for less money. If this sounds good to you, go for it! If not, or if you’re looking to go another direction, talk to the professionals at Ozburn-Hessey. We’re always available to answer any of your flooring questions.

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