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How to Choose the Right Carpet Color for Your Home or Office

Choosing the color of your carpet can be tricky. It depends on a lot of factors, especially the use of the space. Will there be a lot of traffic in this Nashville office? What type of theme or mood are you trying to portray? These questions will help you determine not only the type of carpet, but also the color. Once you’ve decided on a color, determining the type of carpet can be easier. In addition, Ozburn Hessey will be able to assist you with their years of flooring experience, tell you what type of colors work best in which scenarios, and offer you a list of high-quality carpet vendors to choose from.

Here are some tips for choosing the type of color you want for your flooring:

1. Pick colors that can be versatile if the carpet will see high traffic. This will help hide visible dirt, wear and tear. Ozburn Hessey will be able to help you determine which colors work best for this desired floor installation, in addition to the kinds of carpet that are more durable than others.

2. Decide what the carpet’s role is in the design of the room. Will the flooring be the main focal point or will do you want it to blend in? If the carpet is the main focal point, then you may want to choose a prominent color. If you want the color to blend in, then neutral flooring is probably the way to go.

3. Give yourself options. Ask for samples and test them out in your space. This will give you an idea about what the carpet will look like after floor installation. Ozburn Hessey’s array of vendors gives customers plenty of flooring options to ensure an excellent final product.

4. When in doubt, talk with an expert. Ozburn-Hessey can assist you in helping pick out the right color best suited for your office.

Whether you’re installing carpet for a small office in Music Row or you’re redesigning your home office in Sylvan Park, Ozburn Hessey will be able to assist you from choosing the right color to the final touches after floor installation. For more information about Ozburn-Hessey’s services, please call (615) 254-1585.

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